Assigning bid numbers (Auction Tracker)

Guests will use bid numbers to bid on items and make purchases.  It is best practice to pre-assign bid numbers in preparation for event night, and you can do this one of two ways. 

Automatic Bid Number Assignment

You are only able to use automatic bid number assignment once, so you will want to complete this as close to your event as possible.  Once you have completed the automatic assignment, you will need to use the manual assignment for any reservations completed after that assignment is done.  

To automatically assign bid numbers to all guests currently entered, click on the down arrow next to Constituents>Guest/Bidder Entry Tasks>Assign Bid Numbers>Automatic Assignment.

This will open the Automatic Bid Number Assignment box 

Enter Beginning Bid Number - Enter the starting bid number to be assigned. A three (3) or four (4) digit number is recommended.  These will need to correspond with the numbers you are using on your bid paddles.

Enter Bid Number Increment - This  number will define the increment between bid numbers.  If you enter 1, this will assign bid numbers in numeric order.   If you enter 2, this will assign all even or odd numbers based on what was entered for the beginning bid number.

Give linked guests the same or separate Bid Numbers? - This applies to linked couples.  In most cases, it is recommended to assign couples a shared bid number.  You can always manually assign a second number on the night of the event, if each individual would like their own number.

Give Bid Numbers to constituents assigned to the Volunteer RSVP level? - This is a preference choice based on whether your organization would like to allow volunteers to participate in bidding on event night.

After entering the Bid Number Increment, the Assignment Example section will  display a sample of how numbers will be assigned based on the beginning bid number and increment entered.

After all selections have been made, select Assign and Auction Tracker will complete the bid number assignment process.

Manual Bid Number Assignment

Manual assignment of bid numbers is accomplished via a spreadsheet style window.

To manually assign bid numbers to guests, click on the down arrow next to Constituents>Guest/Bidder Entry Tasks>Assign Bid Numbers>Manual Assignment.

  1.  The list of constituents designated as guests is presented. The window shown here is a spreadsheet grid where the Table Name, Bid # and Express ? fields can be added to or changed as required.

    Figure 7.2 • Bid Number Assignment - Manual Entry Now find the guest a bid number is to be assigned to, click in the Bid # column and enter the bid number. Linked guests (couple) may have the same bid number. At no other time will Auction-Tracker allow for the sharing of the same bid number.

  2. In addition to the bid number, issue reserved seating assignments and manage express pay participation. Find a specific guest to edit, click in the appropriate field and make any additions or changes required.
  3. In addition, the following functions are provided on the toolbar located at the top of the window:

    List/Sort Constituents - This option presents sorting options to filter the guest list. The legal list of names presented can be listed by Display (All Guests, Registered Guests, and Volunteers) and sorted by Guest Name, Bid Number, and Table Assignment). The list can also be sorted by clicking one of the column headers.

    Refresh Assignments - This button refreshes the guest list. This is for use by organizations with multiple users who may be entering information at the same time.
  4. With entry complete, click Continue located in the lower right corner of the window. The information will be saved and the window closed.

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