What are constituents? (Auction Tracker)

Constituents are an important part of your auction. You're probably wondering what is a constituent.  In Auction Tracker, a constituent is an individual or business that might be involved with your auction; a guest, donor, sponsor, solicitor, or volunteer.  You only have to enter an individual or business one time and that information will be available across all events.  If you click on the down arrow next to constituents, this will bring up the menu. Auction Tracker will display all constituents from all events.

In here you can add edit or delete constituents. This is where you can complete guest bidder entry tasks, which is where you will complete guest registration, walk-up registration, assign Bid Numbers, assign quick table assignments, and reserve or purchase tables.

This menu also accesses sponsorship entry tasks. This includes the ability to add/ edit or delete financial sponsorships and enter in-kind goods and services. In-kind examples include printing programs or donating wine for drinking at the event.

If you click on the constituents icon this will open the constituent selection box. Across the top are icons and action buttons. The plus sign is where you will go to add a constituent. This can be done as an individual or a business. The Triangle will allow you to edit a constituent and the minus sign will delete a constituent.  Note you are only able to delete a constituent if you have zero activity for them in any of your events. Lastly, the funnel will filter the view of your constituent list so this can be shown as all constituents or, constituents for this event only.

Now let's try adding constituents.

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