Using Activities and Benefits to build itemized Sponsorship and RSVP Levels (Auction Tracker)

Activities and Benefits are all the things that sponsor and guests may receive in exchange for buying a sponsorship or ticket. Examples include a 5-course dinner, bottle service, 1/2 page ad in the auction program, mention by the auctioneer, etc.

Using Activities and Benefits is optional; however, they can be helpful in several ways, including:

1) Sponsorships can include a table or tickets as part of a single sponsorship payment.

2) Auction Tracker can add the total fair market value of each RSVP Level and/or Sponsorship Level.

3) More detailed receipts can be printed for sponsors, showing the different types of advertising they paid for.

How to create Activities and Benefits

Select Utilities > Configure Application > Auction Event Picklists

Go to Administrative Picklists - click on + sign t open if necessary> Activities and Benefits. Select the green + sign on the bottom right to add an activity or benefit.

Enter the name of the Activity/Benefit and its Fair Market Value

If you are selling multiple sizes of advertising, go to the Sponsor Picklists > Sponsorship Ad Sizes section and enter them there. Sponsorship Ad Sizes function very similarly to Activities and Benefits.

How to create itemized Sponsorship or RSVP levels based on Activities and Benefits

Select Sponsor Picklists > Sponsorship Levels, click on green + sign at bottom right of screen to add a Sponsorship Level.

Enter the name of the sponsorship level (e.g. Gold Sponsor).

Do not enter the fair market value; it will be calculated for you. Enter the Sponsor Amount -- the total cost of the sponsorship. Select Detail, then click on the green + sign on the bottom right to add an activity or benefit you have created and enter the appropriate quantity.

Making use of Activities and Benefits

Including tickets or tables as part of a sponsorship

Creating a sponsorship with itemized Activities and Benefits allows a sponsorship to seamlessly include a table or tickets. Read here to learn how

See here for a discussion various ways to enter reservations for sponsors and their guests.

2) Using Activities and Benefits causes Auction Tracker to add up the total fair market value of each RSVP Level and/or Sponsorship Level for you, based on the individual components (e.g. food + drink + advertisements + other perks). 

This is helpful when you have a large number of different types of tickets or sponsorships, or when each sponsorship has many different components -- perhaps several types of advertisements. In such cases, if you change plans from offering a buffet to a 5-course meal, you can change the fair market value of the food and it will be correctly re-calculated across all the RSVP and Sponsorship Levels.

3) It can permit more detailed receipts to be printed for sponsors, showing the different types of advertising they paid for.

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