Copy Auction Preferences from Previous Events (Auction Tracker)

You can easily copy your Master Picklists and Constituent References for Volunteer and Resource data from one auction event to another if you use the same options from year to you. To do this follow the instructions below.

Master Picklists 

Open the new auction event 

1. Click Utilities 

2. From the Utilities menu, select Copy Auction References and then click Continue.

3. Click continue on the notice.

4. Select Master Picklists from the selection menu left. 

5. Select items to bring forward. 

6. Next, select the event to copy the selected picklists from. 

7. Click Continue to complete the picklist transfer process. Click Cancel to abort the transfer process and close the window. 

Constituent References 

The constituents from the most recent auction event who were designated as part of one or more volunteer or resource groups may be assigned to the same Volunteer and Resources groups in the new event. 

1. Open the new auction event. 

2. Click Utilities

3. From the Utilities Sub-menu, click Copy Constituent References and then click Continue.

4. Select Constituent References from the selection menu left.

5. Select from the list of references. Volunteer and/or Resource reference lists are only copied from the event where the picklists were brought forward. 

6. Click Continue to complete the picklist transfer process. Click Cancel to abort the transfer process and close the window. 

***This option is only performed one time. Auction Tracker will terminate any additional attempts once it has been ran. This prevents duplicates from being created. 

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