Setting Event Application Preferences (Auction Tracker)

Application Preferences will guide functionality within the application in correspondence with how the organization’s event will be managed.  

To access these, select Utilities > Configure Application > Application Preferences.  

This will open the Application Preferences box and within here you can click through the different tabs to choose settings.

1.Common File Locations: defines where specific files that support Auction Tracker are located.  In here, you can add application logos that will be used on invoices, receipts, bidsheets and worksheets. You can upload different logos for each of these by clicking on the three dots to the right of each of these boxes. It is recommended to use a full logo for invoices and receipts and to use the watermark version for bidsheets and worksheets. This is so that it does not obscure information, and documents can print with a professional appearance. 

2. The SMTP email server tab: contains options that will set how Auction Tracker responds to the use of email within the application. Checking the Preview Email Message Before Send box will allow you to see what the email looks like before it is sent. 

3. The Third Party I.D. Numbers tab is important for organizations that are using third party software, such as donor management applications.  Checking this box will allow Auction Tracker to assign third party ID numbers to each constituent.  You will then need to select how you would like those numbers assigned, either per person or per couple.  

**You will also need to select how Reservation Purchases are reported.  When summary is selected, all reservation data will be listed on one line associated with the payor’s ID number.  When Detail is selected, all reservation data will be listed on one line associated with the payor's ID number and name(s) of the constituents for whom additional reservations were purchased will also be listed.  

**Bidder Purchases Transfer can also be reported by summary or detail.  When summary is selected, the sum of catalog items, non-catalog items, fund a need, and wish list purchases will be listed on one row.  When detail is selected, each catalog item, non-catalog item, fund a need, and wish list item purchased will be listed separately.  

Both reservation and bidder purchase selections will determine how information will be presented in Financial Data reports. 

4. The Constituent Entry tab provides options for managing all individuals and businesses entered into the application.  You have an option of selecting Duplicate Name Check options. Selecting Every Add/Edit forces Auction Tracker to check for duplicate entries.  For example, if Robert Smith was registered as Bob Smith or RJ Smith in previous years, you will receive a notification concerning the potential common person at which point you can either select the match or continue on as if he is a new person. Selecting Automatically select constituents when editing names will allow Auction Tracker to do just that.

5. Item Entry tab, you are provided with options for managing all goods or services offered for bid.  You will have two options to choose from underneath Solicitor List Content. It is entirely up to you whether you select to show your solicitors on your constituent list as individuals only or as individuals and businesses.

If you are having an online auction, you will want to select the box Enable Online Catalog Item Management. This is so that all of the items and descriptions will automatically populate to your online auction.

6. The Banking tab allows you to set preferences over how banking and guest statement information is managed and presented.  You will want to configure these options based on the event’s checkout procedures.  

**For Guest Statement Printout you can select summary and only payment details will print, or select detail and complete line item details for all payments will print.  If your organization is a non-profit, it is suggested that you select detail for the guest statement printout. 

**Checking the box for Enable Reservation Balances Due Notification will allow Auction Tracker to give you a notification at checkout for a guest if they have an outstanding balance due for tickets. 

**The box that says Do Not Display "Check Card #" fields (Payment Method Select) will hide the payment entry fields but still allows a payment method to be selected.  This should not be selected so that when you do your syncs with NLP, the program will be able to choose what type of credit card was used.

**Copies Per Guest Statement is where you will choose how many copies of each consecutive receipt you would like auction tracker to print. If you select one, Auction Tracker will print one copy for the guest at checkout.  You can increase this number if you need additional copies for the organization's records or have a particular way of doing guest checkout that may require additional copies. 

Once you have completed all necessary fields, go ahead and select OK to save and close the window.

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