Setting Application Event Picklists (Auction Tracker)

The last part of configuring the application is setting the application event pick lists. Picklists are user defined drop down menus that are used in data entry forms throughout the program.  Basically, this is where you get to customize everything for Auction Tracker.

To access Auction Event Picklists, click on the Utilities menu, click on Configure Application and then click on Auction Event Picklists.  

This will open the Auction Event Picklists screen, which includes a list of expandable menus for customization.  Clicking on the arrow to the left of any of these items will expand their menus.

1. Administrative Picklists.

Payment Methods refer to the various monetary options that will be used to accept guest and sponsor payments.  This information is used in the posting of RSVP payments, Sponsorship payments, and guest auction purchases.

If you click on the green plus sign you can add those now. Click apply after entering each item and they will be added to the list.  

Go ahead and enter all of your payment methods and then click continue to close out of the payment entry box.

Activities and Benefits. These are defined as what a constituent will receive for attending, sponsoring or donating to the event.  These are considered optional itemized “perks” that make up the associated Fair Market Value for a Reservation or Sponsorship Level.  Some examples that I will enter include dinner, VIP after party ticket, Bottle of Wine, Transportation, Half Page Ad, and Swag Bag.  You can either include the actual fair market value or use an average estimated cost. 

If you click on the green plus sign you can add those now.  Click apply after entering each item and once you have entered all of the items.

2. Constituent Picklists.

Titles refer to individual salutations.  This information is used in the creation of letters, statements and receipts.  We will add Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Dr. 

Click on the green plus sign, enter each title, and then click continue when you have finished. 

Suffixes refer to an individual’s name suffix. This information is also used in the creation of letters, statements, and receipts.  We will add Sr., Jr., Phd., III, and M.D. 

Using the green plus sign, go ahead and enter those and then click continue.

Couples titles are used to identify a couple or two individuals that are linked together.  This information is also used in the creation of letters, statements, and receipts.  We will add Mr. & Mrs., Dr. & Mrs., Mr. & Dr., Mrs. & Mrs, and Mr. & Mr. 

Click on the green plus sign to add all of the titles and then click continue.

Zip or postal codes can be pre-entered, but you don’t need to figure out all of the zip codes for your metro area, because as you are entering address information, Auction Tracker will ask for a zip code and the first time you enter a zip code it will ask for the city and state.  Those details will automatically be added to this list as you enter additional zip codes in the demographic data fields.  Once a zip code is saved to this list, you will be able to enter a zip code during the entry of any future constituents and the application will automatically populate the city and state fields.  So as you can see right now, when we added our organization’s address, the zip code information was already automatically saved to this picklist. If you wish to add zip codes individually, you would use the green plus sign.

Affiliations is a list of the organization’s affiliated chapters, branches, or locations.  This can help National organizations track which chapter, branch, or location constituents are affiliated with.  Some examples we will use include the Seattle Branch, Northwest Chapter, Southwest region, etc.  Click on the green plus sign, add each of the affiliations, and then click continue.

3. Guest Picklists.

RSVP levels is where you will add different levels for making reservations or purchasing tickets. IN the RSVP Level field you will want to have a name for each reservation type; some organizations use this as a form of recognition, while others provide a level of incentive for reserving at a higher level.  Individual Ticket, Friend of the Foundation, Patron, and Benefactor are some examples that we can enter now.  The Fair Market Value is total of all costs associated with putting on an event, per person. The RSVP Amount is the amount of money one will pay to attend the event at each RSVP level.

There are two options for setting up RSVP levels.  Basic Mode will require entry of RSVP Level name, Fair Market Value and RSVP Amount.  Selecting the Details button allows you to select Activities or Benefits and/or sponsorship ad sizes that apply to each level created, and then Auction Tracker will automatically calculate the sum of those activities and benefits to determine the fair market value.

Click on the green plus to add RSVP levels.   When you are done entering all levels, click continue.

Entrees are where you will list the different types of meal options that your guests will have for dinner at your event.  This information is used in reporting for caterers, check-in worksheets, and bid packet labels.  I will enter Steak, Vegetarian Pasta, and Chicken. Click on the green plus sign to add entrees, and when finished click on continue.

Table seating refers to tables at the venue where guests will be seated.  Each table is defined with a table name and number of available seats, along with a table number.  It is recommended that you don’t enter any tables into Auction Tracker until you have reviewed the venue’s table seating chart, as this will provide important details like the number of tables and number of seats per table.  Table Assignment can be done as you enter guests into Auction Tracker or you can do them all at once when you complete final preparations for event night.  For Table Name, you can use the name of the table captain, the name of the table sponsor, or the business/individual who purchased a table for their guests.  You are able to create tables individually by clicking on the green plus sign.  

As you can see here, you will enter the basic details of the Table Name, Seats Per Table, and the Table Number.  You can also add generic groups of tables by clicking on the Tables button.  This option only requires how many seats are at each table to be entered, along with what table number you would like to start and end with.  It will then generate the necessary number of tables, and give them generic guest table names of Table Number 1, Table #2, etc.  The ‘Exclude Table Numbers From Setup’ option will omit table numbers, this way you are able to assign them later when you are completing your final seating assignments and placing tables.  Enter your tables and then click on continue.

To enter one table at a time, click the green plus sign. To enter various tables at once, click on the word tables for the popup

4. Sponsor Picklists you will enter various levels at which individuals or businesses may sponsor the event. Organizations typically can call these whatever they like. You'll want to include the word sponsor at the end of your sponsorship title because otherwise, it will not be clear on printed statements that the item purchased was in fact, a sponsorship. 

There are two options for setting up sponsorship levels.  Basic Mode will require entry of Sponsorship Level name, Fair Market Value, and RSVP Amount.  Selecting the Details button allows you to select Activities or Benefits and/or sponsorship ad sizes that apply to each level created, and then Auction Tracker will automatically calculate the sum of those activities and benefits to determine the fair market value.  Go ahead and enter your sponsor levels now, by clicking on the green plus sign.  When you are finished, click continue.

The sponsorship ad sizes list refers to advertising opportunities offered for purchase.  Advertising examples may be included in the gala program or on lobby banners.  Advertisements can also be offered as a benefit to a sponsorship opportunity. Keep in mind that the ads entered in this section are separate from ad space that might be listed under activities and benefits. Click on the green plus sign to add any advertising opportunities you will be offering.  When complete click continue. 

5. Auction Class Picklists.

Volunteer committees is a list used to define types of work committees or job positions assigned to volunteers. Some examples of committees that you might include would be advertising, setup, decoration, procurement, cleanup, or checkout. Within each committee, you can define positions.  For example, the Checkout committee can include the positions of cashier, item pickup, registration, and runner.  Committees can defined with or without positions. Let’s add these now.  Click on the green plus sign.  When you are done, click on continue.

Resources is where you can keep track of people who might be a resource for the event.  Some examples might be Parents, Alumni, or Board Members.  Go ahead and use the green plus sign to add any of those. When finished, click continue.

6. Item Picklists. **You can add to the picklist when adding items, the only place to edit is via here.

Item categories refer to the types of live and silent items procured for auction.  Some examples that you might include would be entertainment, travel, sports, beauty, and home improvement.  If you don’t know all of these now, you can always create new categories as you enter individual items.  Entering this information is important for post-auction analysis reports, which will show which items did best and which items did not do very well.  Click the green plus sign to add your item categories now.  When finished, click continue.  

Auction types refer to how auction items are to be numbered and positioned for actual bidding.  In this section, you will enter which types of auctions will be included at your event.  I will use Live, Silent I, Silent II, and eBid-O-Gram.  Use the green plus sign to add your auction types and then click continue.

Storage locations are anywhere that your items will be stored prior to the auction.  Certificate File, Development Office, Auction Warehouse, and Safe are examples of what might be placed on this list.  You can always add additional storage locations as you enter individual items.  This information is used for inventory, reporting, and physical pickup purposes.  Use the green plus sign to add those. When done you can click continue.  Now that all picklists have been completed, you can go ahead and close.

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