Deleting Guest Records (Auction Tracker)

One of the simplest tools for correcting mistakes or for dealing with changed plans, is deleting a Guest record, deleting a Sponsor record, etc.

The following shows the steps for deleting a guest record -- although the same concept applies to a guest, sponsor, or volunteer record.
  1. Select Constituents and then open the person's record that needs to be corrected.
  2. Select the minus sign icon. It will indicate "Delete Constituent" if you hover over it with the mouse; however, deleting separate pieces of their record can be done -- the entire record is not automatically deleted.
  3. Select Guest List or whichever one of their records you wish to clean up (Sponsor List, Resource List, etc).
  4. You may receive a warning that they have financial transactions associated with this record (e.g. for a Guest record, they may have an entry in Auction Tracker indicating that they've paid for their RSVP). This is simply an auditing feature of Auction Tracker -- telling you to also refund any transactions. Auction Tracker only keeps the record of transactions. It's easiest to think of this in terms of cash. Auction Tracker will not actually give them back a $100 Ben Franklin. It will simply keep a record. Deleting the record is one step. Returning the money is a separate step.
  5. Select Yes to continue
  6. An audit report will print, showing any financial transactions that you may need to refund.
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