Entering Businesses and Setting Corporate Giving (Auction Tracker)

To add a business, click the Add Constituent button on the Add/Edit/Delete Constituents  window.  Click New Business.

1. Complete the data entry fields provided on the Business tab.

  • Business Name Entry Tab: The information fields available for the Business Name entry are:
  • Business - Legal entity name of the business being added: This field checks for duplicate names. Should the record already exist, select the name from the list and click Select.
  • Primary Contact : Allows for the selection of an individual from the list of Business Contacts (right) as the primary contact.
  • Address :The address of the business being entered.
  • City - This field is back-filled when the Zip/Postal Code is entered.
  • State/Prov - This field is back-filled when the Zip/Postal Code is entered.
  • Zip Code/Postal Code - Enter the zip/postal code here. If the zip code exists in the application, it will fill the City, State/Provence, and Country fields when entered.  If it is the first time a zip code is entered, a window requesting City, State, and Country is presented.
  • Country - Enter the foreign country for which the address entered corresponds.
  • Contact Information - This group of fields allows the user to define and manage as many phone numbers and e-mail addresses as needed for the business being entered. Select a contact option from the drop down menu and enter the applicable information in the field next to it. To add additional contact fields, click Add. To delete a contact, click Delete. The drop down list presents a list of additional contact options:
  • Cell Phone and Cell Phone (Alt.)
  • Email Address (Alt.), Email Business and Email Personal - Allows for the entry of one or more e-mail addresses by definition of personal, business, or alternate.
  • Home Fax, Home Phone and Home Phone (Alt.) - Allows for the entry of multiple home contact points.
  • Work Cell, Work Fax and Work Phone - Allows entry of the constituent’s work contact information.
  • Website URL - Allows for entry of a business website address.
  • Social Media Address - Allows for the entry of any social media address.
  • Business Contacts - This group allows a user to add, edit, and delete one or more contacts for a business. Click Add Contact to add a new contact or select an existing individual from the list of constituents.
  • Donor I.D. - Tracks donor I.D. numbers coming from any donor management program.
  • Affiliation - Manage the constituent’s affiliation to the nonprofit organization. Examples include branch, region, and location.
  • Referred By - Enter the name of the individual who referred this business to the nonprofit organization.
  • This Constituent - These check boxes manage special handling of a business record. Options are Do Not Mail, Do Not Email, Is Inactive, and Is Out of Business.
2. To save information entered, click Apply to save entries, OK to save entries and close the window, or click Cancel to cancel entries and close the window. If Apply and OK are dimmed, it means there is no new information to save. To designate information has been entered into the Business tab page, the tab label bullet will change to blue.
***For data integrity, an auto save feature is triggered when switching between tabs. If OK and Apply are grayed out and inactive, the data has been saved and it is safe to click Cancel to exit.

Giving Policy Tab:
To create a giving policy for a business, follow these steps:

  1. Open or add the business for which giving polices are to be managed.
  2. Next, select the Giving Policy tab.
  3. Corporate Giving Policy Management
  4. Complete these fields to manage the business's established giving policy per their request:
  5. Request Opportunities - Financial Gifts, In-Kind Goods and Services, and Employer Gift Match are the opportunities available. Select one or more as required for the business managed.
  6. Submission Format - Postal Request, Online Request, Fax Request and Email Request are the four most common formats used to accept giving policy requests. Select the format requested by the business managed.
  7. Submission Details - In support of the opportunities and submission formats, the following details are also managed:
  8. Deadline Date - The designated date by which a request is due. User history shows that requests received after this date are rejected. It is important to pay attention to deadlines to ensure consideration.
  9. Submission Email - If the request is to be completed on a form and emailed back or the request is to be submitted via email, enter the email address provided by the business.
  10. Submission Form URL - If the request is an online form, or an electronic document that is to be uploaded to the business at a specific webpage, enter the website address provided by the business.
  11. Handling Instructions - Enter here, any information specific to the relationship between the nonprofit and the business that will help to further gift consideration.
  12. Pay close attention to the guidelines set by each nonprofit to ensure consideration. This information is found at most nonprofit websites.
  13. Upon completion of the giving policy, click Apply to save entries and remain in the entry window, click OK to save entries and close the window, click Cancel to cancel entries made and close the window. If Apply and OK are dimmed, this means there is no new information to save.
  14. To designate that corporate giving policies are being managed for the business, the Giving Policy tab label bullet will change to blue.
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