Restoring a Backup

If your file was emailed to you, you will want to save it to your computer in a convenient easy to find location. Once you have the backup on your computer follow theses steps. **On some network servers, you may need to run Auction Tracker as an administrator, or have the network administrator restore the data. 

1. Enter into your Auction Tracker as a normal user.

In Auction Tracker click on the Restore Application Icon in the toolbar (it looks like a red arrow over a stack of disks) or you can get to the backup screen by clicking on Utilities, Restore Data Files.

2. You will get this popup to let you know that you will be permanently over-writing the data you have in Auction Tracker, and to verify you are the only one in the software.

Click Yes when ready 

** If you are not sure you want to over-write the data you have,  we suggest pulling a backup of the data you have first before doing this step, here is the help guide to doing that: , this way you can restore the original data in necessary.  You also need to make sure you are the only person in the software. This also means if you are using Auction Tracker on a network, you must ask anyone else who is using it to log out of Auction Tracker, before you move on to the next step.

3. Select the ellipsis (three little dots) icon to go and locate the backup file containing the Auction Tracker data.

  • Find the folder that contains the Auction Tracker data you received by email. **If you did not choose a different location often it will be in Downloads. Then select the backup data file. It will usually be formatted as at70_backup (date time).zip showing the date and time when the backup was made.
  • Select Open

4. Select Continue to use this file as the new data

5. In the next popup you will need to type YES in all caps then tab or enter, the button Continue will not activate until you have clicked on the tab or enter keyt. This is once again reminding you that you will be overwriting any previous data, once you do the Continue button will activate, Click Continue.

**Once you click continue, your data will be added to your Auction Tracker.

If you are on a server/network:

  •  To follow the above steps, you may need to run \Tracker\Auct-Tr\bin\auction.exe as an administrator.
  • In certain situations, you may choose or need to restore the data manually. To do so, first, understand that when Auction Tracker's Utilities > Restore Data Files is done, it unzips the at70_backup (date time).zip file containing AUCTIONTRACKER.FDB and CONSTITUENT.FDB into the \Tracker\Auct-Tr folder. It asks you for confirmation because it overwrites the two files AUCTIONTRACKER.FDB and CONSTITUENT.FDB that were previously in the \Tracker\Auct-Tr folder. 
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