Installing Auction Tracker on a single computer

Remember all your organization's Auction Tracker data must be on one single computer at any given time. While it is easy to move Auction Tracker's data from one computer to another, Auction Tracker data saved onto two separate computers cannot be easily combined. Some users like to install Auction Tracker on their own computers to create a practice event, and that is acceptable. But the latest updated copy of the official data of the organization's fundraisers, must be on one computer at a time.

Installing Auction Tracker

First install Firebird, then install Auction Tracker.

  1. Install Firebird
  2. Install Auction Tracker
    • If you have not received your installation link please contact 855-245-7500 or for your Auction Tracker installation link.

Register Auction Tracker

The installation process above installs a limited copy of Auction Tracker on your computer, which is good for 30 days. It must be registered in either of two ways to become a permanent installation:

  • If you have already been using Auction Tracker and are just moving your main copy to a new install, Simply restore your backup to this new copy.  ** For help with pulling or restoring a backup: 
  • If this is a new Auction Tracker install you will need to enter your Federal Tax ID as well as the seral number and activation key an that was sent to you from MaxGiving. **Once registered you are ready to set up your event: 

Always update, after installation you should always update your Auction Tracker.

  • To update Auction Tracker:
    • Go in as a normal user
    • Click on Help at top of Auction Tracker
    • Click on Check For Latest Update from the dropdown.
    • Follow instructions.

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