Adding, editing, or pulling reports of donor ID numbers (Auction Tracker)

If you wish to import a spreadsheet with updated contact information to update the records of people already in Auction Tracker, ensure that the donor ID numbers of constituents already in Auction Tracker match the donor ID numbers of the constituents in the spreadsheet being uploaded. This may involve pulling a report of the donor ID numbers of people in Auction Tracker. It may also involve adding donor ID numbers to people's records in Auction Tracker.

**The contact information in the import spreadsheet WILL OVERWRITE all contact information for existing records in Auction Tracker, even if the contact information in the spreadsheet is blank.

The following provide some ideas for how to do those two things.

1. To find the donor ID numbers of existing Constituent records in Auction Tracker so that you can appropriately choose or match up donor ID numbers for constituents you are importing:

a. To look up an individual constituent's donor ID number

-Select Constituents

-Using the mouse or the down-arrow key, select a name (but do not actually open it)

-On the upper-right side of the Constituent Selection box, you should see a field labeled Donor ID. It may or may not include a Donor ID number; these numbers are created by Auction Tracker when a record has been imported with a donor ID number, or if they're manually added at Utilities > Add Donor ID Numbers.

b. To edit that constituent's donor ID number:

-Open their constituent record.

-Note the Donor ID field in the middle right of the box.

-Select the blue arrow pointing upwards to edit the Donor ID number

c. To look up a group of constituents' (such as this year's guests) donor ID numbers, one at a time:

-Select Constituents

-Select the 4th icon from the top of this box, the blue filter icon. Select This Event, then Filter Names By Guests.

-Using the mouse or the down-arrow key, select a name (but do not actually open it)

-On the upper-right side of the Constituent Selection box, you should see a field labeled Donor ID. It may or may not include a Donor ID number; these numbers are created by Auction Tracker when a record has been imported with a donor ID number, or if they're manually added at Utilities > Add Donor ID Numbers.

2. To edit a group of constituents' (such as this year's guests) donor ID numbers, efficiently: Suppose you wish to update contact information for guests for this year's event. (A similar approach would apply for donors or sponsors associated with any particular year's event). In that case you only need to assign donor ID numbers to a few hundred people in Auction Tracker: this year's guests.

  • If you have not already done so, assign people Reservation Levels to let Auction Tracker know that they are guests.
  • Select Constituents > Add/Edit/Delete constituents
  • Select the 4th icon from the top left (a blue filter). Select This Event in the top right corner. Then select Filter Names by Guests.
    • Now, only guests for this year's event will be displayed!
  • Open the very first constituent’s record. Notice in their Business or Individual tab (the first tab on the top left), the donor ID number is listed in the middle right of the dialog box. Check that this donor ID number is the same as the one in your spreadsheet. If there is no Donor ID number here, click on the little blue triangle to the right of the Donor ID field and then enter their donor ID number.
  • Press the forward-pointing single blue arrow at the top middle of the screen, to go to the next guest associated with this year’s event, to cross-check their donor ID number in Auction Tracker, with your import spreadsheet and/or to add a donor ID number to their record in Auction Tracker.

The easiest way to look them up one at a time

  • Select Constituents
  • Using the mouse or the down-arrow key, select a name (but do not actually open it)
  • On the upper-right side of the Constituent Selection box, you should see a field labeled Donor ID. It may or may not include a Donor ID number; these numbers are created by Auction Tracker when a record has been imported with a donor ID number, or if they're manually added at Utilities > Add Donor ID Numbers.

File > Data Export > Export Constituents To Donor Management. This will create a TAB-delimited spreadsheet file.

  • Reporting > Application Reports > Names > All Constituents > Donor ID Number Listing
  • Reporting > LetterWriter. It will create a carat (^) - delimited spreadsheet file which can be imported into Excel or Google Sheets. 
    • To import it in Excel, save it as a .TXT file and open it in Excel. Excel will show an import wizard when you open the file [only if it has been saved as a .TXT text file]. Enter the ^ character as the delimiter and put a checkbox on the option My Data Has Headers. 
    • To import it in Google Sheets, go to File > Import > Upload
      • Choose Data > Split Text to Columns > enter the ^ character as the separator

To obtain a report that lists all donor ID numbers:

  • Reporting > Application Reports > Names > All Constituents > Donor I.D. Number Listing

To obtain a report that lists the donor ID number of particular groups of people (guests, sponsors, donors) from any particular event or all events:

  • Reporting > LetterWriter. It will create a carat (^) - delimited text file which can be imported into Excel or Google Sheets as a spreadsheet.
    • Save it as a .TXT file, then open it in Excel.
    • If you have saved it as a .TXT file, Excel will import it using the Text Import Wizard. Enter the ^ character as the delimiter and put a checkbox on the “My Data Has Headers”. 
    • Alternatively, open it in Google Sheets: go to File > Import > Upload, then in the Import File dialog box, select Create New Spreadsheet and in the Separator Type, select Custom and enter the ^ character in the empty field. Select Import Data. It will import the file and display “File Imported successfully” at the top of the dialog box. Select Open Now.

To add donor ID numbers to all people or specific people in Auction Tracker

There are three ways to assign donor ID numbers in Auction Tracker

1. They're assigned when you import them the first time.  However, you cannot do an import expecting to assign donor ID numbers to existing names in Auction Tracker; that would assign donor ID numbers to the imported names, but the existing names would remain and duplicate records would result.

2) The Utilities > Add Donor ID Numbers tool 

3) They can be edited one at a time:

  • Select Constituents 
    • Open the constituent's record
      • Note the Donor ID field in the middle right
      • Select the blue arrow pointing upwards to edit the Donor ID number

Once you have assigned donor ID numbers in Auction Tracker to everyone whose contact information you wish to update, and ensured that the same number is in Auction Tracker as in your import spreadsheet, then import your spreadsheet with updated contact information.

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