Exporting from Auction Tracker to donor management (Auction Tracker)

1) Assign donor ID numbers

Some donor management software is able to match people by name and contact info. But it is generally best to enter donor ID numbers into Auction Tracker, and use them to uniquely coordinate donors' identities across donor management and Auction Tracker. 

Donor ID numbers can be added in 4 ways

  • Manually, one at a time. Go to Constituents, select the Individual tab, and add or edit a donor ID number.
  • Manually, many at a time. Go to Utilities > Add Donor I.D. Numbers
  • Automatically, during an import of new names (only appropriate for new constituents, otherwise duplicates will be created).
  • Automatic import by MaxGiving, for adding donor ID numbers to existing constituent records. Contact support@maxgiving.com or 855-245-7500 and provide a spreadsheet with the donor ID numbers you need assigned. A small fee will be charged. 

For more information, see

Adding, editing, and pulling reports of donor ID numbers

Uploading names and contact information to Auction Tracker

Updating contact info using a spreadsheet import

2) Choose reports per item, or reports by category of spending

By default, Auction Tracker's spreadsheet export to donor management includes one line per each category e.g. 

Maria Smith $500 CATALOG ITEMS <br>Maria Smith $2500 FUND-A-NEED<br>Maria Smith $250 NON-CATALOG ITEMS<br>[...]

If you need a more granular, itemized report, such as the following, then do the steps in part #2. Otherwise skip to Step 3.

Maria Smith $200 Fishing Trip<br>Maria Smith $300 Hotel By The Lake<br>Maria Smith $100 Fund-A-Need<br>Maria Smith $2400 Fund-A-Need [...]

Select Utilities > Configure Application > Application Preferences

Go to the Third Party I.D.'s tab

Check Use 3rd Party Alias I.D.

If your donor management software assigns donor IDs per person, or per couple, choose Summary.

If you wish for Auction Tracker's export to donor management to itemize each RSVP level, catalog item, fund-a-need contribution, and non-catalog item, choose Detail.

3) Export people's names and contact information

This step must be completed first, before exporting financial participation.

Select File > Data Export > Export Constituents To Donor Management

The following selections are the most broadly applicable. Note that individuals and businesses will be listed in different columns of the spreadsheet; if you are comfortable sorting spreadsheets, you may wish to export them into the same spreadsheet. If you are not as comfortable manipulating spreadsheets, you may prefer to export them in two separate spreadsheets.

Donor ID numbers can be added to constituent records in Auction Tracker ( see step 1). 

3rd Party Alias IDs are arbitrarily assigned to each constituent in Auction Tracker, and can be assigned by the click of a button (see Step 2).

Audit reports merely show what will be successfully exported to a file, and what will not be.

Select Close to exit the audit reports and continue

Choose to save the file as a CSV.

4) Export each person's financial participation

Constituent information (names and contact info) must be exported in step 3, before exporting financial participation (step 4) can be done.

The following shows the most common selections. Note that a separate export needs to be done for each of the following:

  • Donors of catalog and non-catalog items, and in-kind donors
  • Guest Reservations
  • Guest Purchases (including catalog items, fund-a-need, and non-catalog items)
  • Pre-Event Purchases (such as raffle tickets)
  • Sponsors


Save the export as a CSV

5) Consider combining the report from step 3, with reports from step 4

The financial contribution spreadsheets exported in step 4 only list the donor ID (entered in step 1) or 3rd party alias ID (assigned in step 2), and must be matched up with the Constituent information from step 3.

Some donor management software will permit the import of the constituent information (reports from step 3) separately from the financial information (reports from step 4). Other donor management software may more easily import them if they are combined.

Any database program can "join" the two spreadsheets based on those numbers, or Excel can do the same using the VLOOKUP function.  

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