To Create Packages In Auction Tracker

**As with entering items, when creating Packages in Auction Tracker we suggest setting your baseline standards for all entries.  We suggest creating a standards cheat sheet for all items including things like: How to enter the Item Name- All Caps, All first Letters Caps or standard type, Will numbers be used? (2 night stay), the word (Two Night Stay) or both ( Two (2) Night Stay), Descriptions?  Wordy, colorful or bullet points. These are just a few, it seems like a small thing but when everyone is on the same page the final look is much more cohesive.

To Create Packages In Auction Tracker:

To get to the Add Package pop up, click on the Book Icon Button for “Auction Items” (upper left of your screen) or click on down arrow next to image of items; Catalog Items, select Add/Edit/Delete Items.

The Catalog Items dialog box now appears. On the upper left of this box, click on the Green Plus Sign and select Package Item.*** Click here to learn how to make Items.

The Package Catalog Item box will pop up: (Using your Tab key is an easy way to navigate in this system) This pop up has 7 tabs and in adding a new package we will really only be using 2 of them, passably 3. *** You can choose to skip anyone of the tabs or boxes and come back to them later however you must add at a minimum a Package name, procurement number if not auto assigned  and the items that make up the package.

Since you are already familiar with entering Items we will not take you through each box but show you the order for adding items to a package. **If you need help with each box refer to How to Enter an Item for a step by step.


1. Enter the Package Name

2. Make sure the package has a procurement number

3. Click Apply

Before continuing to complete the Item Detail tab 

– go to the Package Items Tab

Package Items Tab: On this tab you will add the items to the package

1. In the bottom box find the item you would like to add by scrolling down the list.  If you click on the “Catalog Items Available for Packaging” in the upper right of the dialog box or the Proc.# in the left, it will let you enter the item name or number to search.

2. Once you have selected an item to package, you can double click on the item or click on select on the right side of the box.  Follow these steps until all items are included in the package. You will now see all the package items in the top box.  Click Apply before leaving this tab **You will notice that the donor, solicitor and description tabs have now been completed.

Now return to the Item Detail Tab. You will now see the the Fair Market Value is automatically populated by the sum of packaged items as well as the Bid info if you have it set to auto fill.

Finish filling our the Item Detail info:

1. Select your Auction Type

2. Select your Category

3. Mark the box on the right if it is still a Certificate Item.

4. Click apply.

**You can also choose to add you Catalog # now if you would like or you can add it later using the Assign catalog number and Auction Type pop up.

Donor Tab:
You will not need to do anything in the Donor Tab as it will have brought over the donors from the items added to the package.

Solicitors Tab:
You will not need to do anything in the Solicitors Tab as it will have brought over the  Solicitors from the items added to the package.

Description Tab:
The descriptions and restrictions from the items will auto populate to this tab as a list, however you can adjust this to read however you would like. **If you make any changes make sure to click Apply before leaving the tab.
Image Tab:
If you have images you will need to add them here, they do not come over from the items.

When complete click on Ok to save and exit.

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