Data Import/Export Options

Data export and import utilities are a standard feature of Auction-Tracker. This module facilitates the transfer of constituent and financial data to and from donor management applications supporting a unique "Donor ID" or is capable of accepting and making available in return to, a "Third Party Alias ID" number generated and maintained by Auction-Tracker.

There are three options for exporting and importing data (Figure 13.1). They are:

  • Data Export/Import - End-User Field Selection (Delimited ASCII Writer)
  • Data Export/Import - Donor Management, pre-defined definitions (Delimited ASCII)
  • Data Export/Import - Third Party Application Defined (Delimited ASCII)

Data Elements Available For Transfer

Data Import - Information made available for import includes:

  • Constituent names, addresses, and contact information. This includes individuals, couples, and businesses.

    While names and addresses are importable from either a donor management or third party database, Auction-Tracker does not import auction specific information. Auction-Tracker creates and manages this information independently for all aspects of one or more events in detail.
  • Goods and services offered for bid. (Live and Silent Bidding)

    Because there are numerous ways to look at an item procured for auction, there is no way to ensure that data presented from a third party application conforms to Auction-Tracker's tight data standards. Therefore, Auction-Tracker does not import goods and services from a third party database.

Data Export - Information made available for export includes:

  • Constituent names, addresses, and contact information. This includes individuals, couples, and businesses.
  • Financial data for donors, guest reservations, guest event purchases, pre-event purchases, and sponsorships.

As a reminder, Auction-Tracker is managing one or more events within the database at any time. Export options allow for data to be moved by event, specific events or all events. Our support team recommends exporting opportunities by the individual event.

Data Import and Export Opportunities         

Specific instructions for all data import and export options for Auction-Tracker are provided at the online application support site. To access this information, the nonprofit organization must be a valid license holder. Users need to register and include the valid license information for account access. There is no charge for access to the online support site.

Import Constituents - Third Party Database - Generic
Import Constituents - Donor Management - Generic
Export Articles Available
Export Constituents To Donor Management - Generic
Export Financial Data To Donor Management - Generic
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