Application Labels

In addition to the many document production opportunities, application labels are also available for printing. Auction-Tracker uses two popular label sizes for all label options. They are:

  • Avery #5160 (3 Across) or equivalent
  • Avery #5162 (2 Across) or equivalent

These label options are available for Laserjet and inkjet printers. While there are many brands and styles of labels, our development team choose these two basic label formats to support because they are readily available at any office supply store.

To print labels, follow these steps:

  1. From the Application Toolbar, click the drop-down menu on Reporting.
  2. Click Application Labels. The Application Labels module is presented.
    The selection tree (left) provides several label types. They are:

    Billing/Receipt Labels - Creates mailing labels for various billings and receipts produced by Auction-Tracker. These labels are unique as they will print based on the same criteria used to generate the documents under Reporting > Billings and Receipts.

    Mailing Labels - Create labels based on auction class definitions such as Donors, Solicitors, Guests/bidders, Sponsors, Volunteers, Resource, Affiliation, and All Constituents.

    Guest Labels - Creates guest labels for bid packets (registration) and name tags.

    Item Labels - Create labels for inventory of Catalog, Non-Catalog, and In-Kind Gift Items.
  3. Next, make a label selection. Depending on the selection made, many of the labels offer one or more sort/include/criteria selections which are used to determine the preferred sequence of the labels being print. Of the choices provided, select one option from each query group that defines the label’s output.
    Upon successful selection of label criteria, a series of label output options become active for selection. They are Print Preview, Print, Spreadsheet, Acrobat PDF, and HTML. Select the desired output button appropriate to the reporting need. Auction-Tracker process the request and sends it to the appropriate device or file.
  4. Finally, select another label to generate or click Close to exit the Application Labels Window.

Repeat the above steps to create as many labels as needed for the task at hand.

So what is the best way to become familiar with all the label options? Experiment! Our application support team recommends taking the time to become familiar with the various labels by opening and reviewing. Review the label sections and titles. Please know that the development team took the time to ensure label titles match the output to be presented. While reviewing takes a small amount of time, it is time well spent!

And when taking the time to review labels? Be sure to send the output to Print Preview, not the printer. Label stock is expensive! Use it for creating the final product.

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