Quick Catalog Item Entry (Auction Tracker)

Auctioneers love to sell items multiple times when bidding is going well between guests. While the additional revenue generated is much appreciated, it creates a small logistical problem. It was not planned and the item is not entered into the database for handling. Quick Catalog Item Entry provides a fast way to make a copy of an existing catalog item or add an entirely new item that is ready to be sold in a summarized format.

This option allows for the quick entry of an item that was originally supposed to have been sold once, but was spontaneously sold twice. This is a common occurrence in the live auction where two bidders are bidding intently and the donor, who is generally sitting in the audience, agrees to provide a duplicate item.

Follow these steps to quickly copy or add a new catalog items:

  1. From the Application Toolbar, click the Banking drop-down menu.
  2. Select Quick Catalog Item Entry, to open the entry window.
  3. Two options for entry are provided:

    Option #1 - Enter the catalog number of the item to be duplicated in the Copy Catalog # field. Item Name, Fair Market Value and Auction Type automatically fill with data from the existing item. Next, enter a new catalog number in the New Catalog # field for the item copy being created. For Example: If the original catalog number was #10, Make the new catalog number 10A.

    Option #2 is to complete the data entry fields in their entirety for a completely new item leaving the Copy Catalog # field blank. The number entered into the New Catalog # field must be unique. If unfamiliar with the data entry fields for item entry, refer to 4.1.1: Individual Goods and Services of this manual for complete details.
  4. OK/Cancel/Apply - To save information entered at anytime, click Apply to save entries, OK to save entries and close the window, or click Cancel to cancel entries and close the window. If Apply and OK are dimmed, it means there is no new information to save.

Repeat the above steps to create additional new items as needed.

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