Pre-Event Sales (Auction Tracker)

Non-Catalog Items - Purchases By Constituent Name         

An organization may offer raffle tickets, game chances or feature items for sale prior to the event -or- allow a proxy purchase if a constituent is unable to attend. Follow these steps for selling a Non-Catalog item by name to a constituent without a bid number:

  1. From the Application Toolbar, click the Banking drop-down menu.
  2. Select Non-Catalog Item Bid Entry (Figure 8.10) This feature is built specifically for rapid entry. Use of a 10-key pad provides faster entry over the keys located at the top of the keyboard.
  3. Next follow the instructions found in 8.3.2: Non-Catalog Item Bid Entry substituting constituent selection by name instead of a bid number.
  4. Repeat the above steps for each purchase being made by one or more constituents.

When no bid numbers have been assigned to a specific event, the Non-Catalog Item Entry window's default entry mode is by Constituent Name. Once a single bid number is assigned, entry mode is switched to bid number. After the entry mode has been switched to bid number, uncheck the Bid Number Entry checkbox to return to entry by constituent name.

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