Silent Auction Bid Sheet Preparation (Auction Tracker)

Paper Bid Sheets

Auction-Tracker is designed to print all auction forms including bid sheets (silent, live, non-catalog, and bid-o-gram) and worksheets (bidding frenzy, non-catalog, fund-a need, and wish list). Bid sheets ultimately provide one winner while worksheets allow a staff member/volunteer to record multiple gifts and/or sales. The auction item data, entered weeks before the event, automatically populates the bid sheet fields. Bid sheets can be printed in duplicate or triplicate, if NCR paper for laser printers is used -or- saved to an Acrobat pdf document that can be delivered to an outside printing company for processing.

Auction-Tracker has the following application bid sheets and worksheets:

Silent Bid Sheets - Twenty One different bid sheets including traditional and modern styles, with or without guaranteed bid amounts, with or without guest signature line, and a selection of several sizes.

Live Bid Sheets - Five different bid sheets including a choice of full and half sheet with options for 2nd item bidding and festival of trees information.

Non-Cataloged Item Forms - Choice of bid sheets or worksheets, depending on how sales are tracked, with the ability to indicate inventory counts.

Bidding Frenzy Bid Form - A worksheet with the choice of printing or omitting fair market value.

Wish List Gift Forms - Similar to a non-catalog item form, the worksheet is designed to record bid number and quantity for each gift given.

Fund-A-Need Bid Recording Forms - A worksheet for each level with the choice to print one at a time or in batch.

Organization Logos

Auction-Tracker allows for a logo to be printed on every bid sheet option offered. To add a logo, place the image file in the \Tracker\Auct-Tr\Logos folder. The file must be either .jpg or .png and be no larger than 1.0 MB in size. Go to Utilities > Configure Application > Application Preferences and select the graphic file to be used.

To ensure that every bid sheet can display an organization's logo, regardless of bid sheet size, it is placed underneath the bidding area of the sheet. Our recommendation is that the logo be designed to act as a watermark. This makes the logo viewable but does not interfere with bidding information printed or written on the sheet.

Printing Bid Sheets

To print bid sheets, follow these steps:

  1. From the Application Toolbar, click the Reporting drop-down menu, then click Bid Sheets/Worksheets.
  2. Next, click Application Bid Sheets. On the left side, a treeview provides access to all options available. The right side of the window is reserved for criteria selection used to determine what items are included in the output. From the treeview, left, select the type of bid sheet to be produced.
  3. Select the specific form type to be used from the options listed. They include SilentLiveNon-Catalog, and Bid-O-Gram.
  4. Next, select one of the style sheets from the selected list.
    For illustrative purposes, the procedure for creating silent auction bid sheets is presented.
  5. With a specific bid sheet selected, criteria and print options on the right side of the window are presented (Figure 7.1). Next, select from the options provided.

    Type of Auction - The Auction Type (closing) to print bid sheets for. The drop-down displays a list of available Auction Types that were defined by the auction committee at the beginning of the data entry process.

    One Procurement Number - To print one bid sheet, enter the procurement number for a single item.

    Range Of Procurement Numbers - Print multiple bid sheets for a range of consecutive procurement numbers. Beginning and ending procurement numbers are required.

    One Catalog Number - To print one bid sheet, enter the catalog number for a single item.

    Range Of Catalog Numbers - Print multiple bid sheets for a range of consecutive catalog numbers. Beginning and ending catalog numbers are required.
  6. With selection(s) made in the step above, this activates the Bid Increment Print options when available for the bid sheet selected.

    No Increments - All bid increment boxes on a silent auction bid sheet are left blank.

    Minimum Bid Only - The Minimum bid is printed but all other bid increment boxes on the silent auction bid sheet are left blank.

    Fill All Bid Amounts - All bid increment boxes are filled with amounts based on the bid raise amount (traditional) or based on a formula (modern).
  7. Next, a closing time option is presented on some bid sheets. When available, provide the time at which an item's bidding opportunity closes. It can also be left blank.
  8. Finally, print the bid sheets desired. Print PreviewPrint, and Acrobat PDF options are made available when criteria selection is complete.
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