Auction Night Computer Network Set-up (Auction Tracker)

***You will need to use this peer to peer set up if you are not using the My Simple Auction platform through MaxGiving to collect credit card information. This is not needed with the MSA platform.

Our support team places this step at the top of the pre-event planning process as computer automation manages not only the auction night checkout process but card processing, registration, last minute entry tasks, presentations, and more. Planning should begin at least four weeks prior to the day of the auction to ensure a computer system that is large enough and capable of comfortably managing the organization's gala event is configured and reserved for delivery.

Planning Recommendations

Given the tens of thousands of events managed over the past 30 years, there is one constant that works every time for proper configuration of a venue network. That is the formula for how large the computer network should be to accommodate the event. This is our professional recommendation:

  • Issue one bid number per couple to the guests attending. Issuing one bid number per person will hands down quadruple checkout time. Why? Most couples WILL pay with one credit/debit card or check. Issuing one bid number per person means that volunteers are forced to take additional time to manage two completely independent guest statements, combining them to one payment. That includes review, troubleshooting questions, print, and processing the payment.
    Should an occasional guest ask that they be issued their own bid number, the request can accommodated with little effect on the checkout process.
  • Install one workstation for every 100 bid numbers issued. Given the number of bid numbers issued, setup the appropriate amount of computer workstations. For example: if 500 guests are attending and there is a good mix of couples and singles, the number of bid numbers issued is approximately 250 to 325. The recommendation in this case would be three to four workstations in the network plus additional workstations to accommodate other activities as needed.

Computer Rental or DIY?

There has always been two options when it comes to securing computer hardware for an event fundraiser; Rent or DIY. Each has its advantages and dis-advantages. There is no denying that the rental option is generally the better option for many nonprofit organizations. The computer equipment is pre-configured with everything needed, comes with plugin instructions and is sent to the nonprofit or in some cases delivered. It is set up, used for the event, taken down, and returned to the rental company. No responsibility for maintenance on the part of the nonprofit.

Computer Hardware Considerations

While we do not make recommendations on the brands of computer systems to acquire, here is our support team's recommendation to run the software properly. Our development staff recommends that each workstation area have a computer, laser printer, card swiper, cash box, and office supplies. The workstation computers need to be networked together in a simple peer-to-peer configuration with one computer doubling as a server computer and workstation. Our preferred recommendation for connecting the computers is a "wired" network, using a router or switch. Wireless networks can be used but do take added precautions with respect to security.

If available, our event staff recommends having one additional workstation beyond the recommend number. This workstation is used for troubleshooting various issues that may come up during the event and checkout.

For Auction-Tracker the following hardware specifications, per the Auction-Tracker's Guide To Getting Started, must be observed:

  • Intel or Compatible iCore 3 -or- Newer - 2 Ghz. Processor Speed or Faster
  • 4 GB of Ram Memory or Greater
  • 80 MB of Hard Disk Drive Storage
  • SVGA, DVI or HDMI Monitor With Desktop Resolution of 1280x1024 or Higher
  • CD or DVD ROM Drive (Downloadable distribution available upon request.)
  • 100 Base-T (100 megabit) Networking or Faster
  • Laserjet or Inkjet Compatible Printer

    Windows 10 w/Latest Service Pack -or- Newer

Again, these are minimal specifications. Most computers on today's market will have far greater capacity and performance.

Workstation Printers

Our event staff's recommendation for printers is one printer for each computer workstation. Remember, check-out is the last impression that guests have of a gala event. It is important that it run quickly and smoothly. When each workstation has its own printer, the network avoids print spooler back-ups which can cause delays and force guests to stand and wait while printing of their Guest Statement is completed. Every print request that has to wait adds to the processing time of each guest, longer check-out lines, and overall time span of the event. Having one printer connected directly to each workstation, increases the speed at which information is printed, allows each computer staff/volunteer person to work at their own speed, and best of all, makes check-out lines and processing shorter which results in happier guests leaving with a good impression of the event.

Other Hardware Suggestions

10-Key Pads - If using laptop computers, our event staff recommends the use of external mouse devices and external 10-key pads for better speed and accuracy of event data entry. Many of today's newer model laptop devices now come with the 10-key pad built into the unit with the keyboard. If available, do incorporate these units into the network. Not having a 10-key pad slows down the entry process and increase data entry errors.

Surge Protectors - All hardware components should be attached to one or more surge protectors or if available an uninterruptible power supply. Of all the problems encountered, voltage problems within a public venue is the most common cause of hardware failure!

Installing Auction-Tracker To The Venue Network         

With the venue network setup and tested, Auction-Tracker needs to be installed. 

Given the various types of venues, our event staff recommends that the computer network be set up in the designated check-out area. We recommend that once the computer systems are set up, that they not be moved for the remainder of the event. If there is a need for additional computers to support other activities, attach them to the network in the check-out area.

With respect to Auction-Tracker's data, plan ahead for moving the data files from the office network or local computer to the computer system being used at the event. Our event staff's recommendation is to use Auction-Tracker's backup utility and take the data to the venue network the day before the event or the morning of. Once the data has been copied to a memory stick/flash drive, the office copy of Auction-Tracker cannot be used. Data can only be active in one installation of Auction-Tracker at a time. (This is the minimum recommendation for data transfer.)

(Better!) If possible, it is recommended that the entire Auction-Tracker folder be copied from the office network to the venue network, using a flash drive. This option provides access to other data files located in the \Tracker folder such as templates, graphics, logo files, and more.

Can Auction-Tracker be accessed and used over the Internet instead of being installed at the venue? If Auction-Tracker is hosted on our cloud servers or like environment, yes. However, reliability of the Internet connection must be taken into consideration. If the Internet connection is wireless it needs to be determined if the signal strength is high enough to handle up to twelve hours of continuous connection. More importantly, is it secure?

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