LetterWriter (Auction Tracker)

LetterWriter can give you a spreadsheet of information for any group of people that supports your organization, such as guests, item donors, financial sponsors, bidders, or volunteers.

You can use LetterWriter to get a spreadsheet of their contact information from Auction Tracker. You can also then use that spreadsheet as a source for email marketing software, or for an email merge or a mail merge for printed letters in Microsoft Word.

1. Export the data from Auction Tracker, using LetterWriter

Open Auction Tracker

Go to Reporting, then LetterWriter and choose Microsoft Word (Delimited Ascii)

"Produce Letters for" 

  • Select either, All Constituents, or any other category needed (Donors, Sponsors, Guests, etc)

"In The Format"

  • Select Names As Entered, if you wish to list spouses with each other on the same row of the spreadsheet
  • Select Names Treated Individually, if you wish to list them on separate rows of the spreadsheet

"Based On"

  • Choose Individuals, Businesses, or both, as needed

"Include Constituents"

  • Select constituents from a particular event, multiple events, or all events

"Sort By" 

  • Choose from the following: Constituents Name, City, State, Zip/Postal Code 
  • There may be other choices offered, depending on who was selected in the first step. The following options are presented for Guests

Press "Continue"

Choose "Select Fields"

  • Put a checkbox next to each field of information needed. 
  • Make selections in the order desired.

***The order of selections will determine the order of spreadsheet columns.


Each of these fields you select here will become a column of information in the output spreadsheet.  

  • Press Continue
  • Under the "Save As" dialog box that appears, be mindful of the folder to which the file is being saved. 
    • The default is C:\Tracker\Auct-Tr\User Documents

If you wish to open the output up as a spreadsheet, save it as a .TXT file. If desired, you can then later use it for a mail merge or anything else. 

If you wish to immediately do a mail merge in Microsoft Word, without first opening it as a spreadsheet, save it as a .DOC file.

Before saving, use the "Save as type" drop-down at the bottom to select "All Files"

In the File Name field enter the name of the file, with the extension .TXT, to be easily able to open it as a spreadsheet. If you do not first want to see it as a spreadsheet, and want to immediately do a Microsoft Word mail merge, save it as a .DOC file.

To have those particular selections available in the future, enter a Template Name and a Template Description then select Continue

The information has now been exported from Auction Tracker into a ^ (carat) delimited text file (essentially a spreadsheet).

2. To open this file in Excel (for Google Sheets instructions, see below)

By default, the file from Auction Tracker will save to \Tracker\Auct-Tr\User Documents

If you wish to easily find the file, save it in Desktop or another familiar folder.

A text import wizard will open. Make the following selections. 

The file sent from Auction Tracker is a spreadsheet with the ^ character between each column. You need to tell Excel that the columns are separated ("delimited") by the carat ^ character and that the columns have headers (e.g. "DONOR ID"), so that it will import the file correctly. 

Select Delimited

Select My Data Has Headers

Select Other and enter the ^ character.

The data towards the bottom of the text import wizard box should now appear in columns.

Select Finish

An alternative to the Text Import Wizard, is opening the file and then using Data > Text To Columns with the carat ^ character (press SHIFT-6) as the delimiter.

3. To open the output file in Google Sheets:

Make sure file has been named .txt

Open a blank document in Google Sheets

File > Import > Upload

In the Import File dialog box, make the following choices:

  • "Import Location" -- Replace Spreadsheet if you are in a blank spreadsheet; Create New Spreadsheet if you are in an existing spreadsheet
  • "Separator type" -- select Custom and enter the carat ^ character into the blank field to the right of "Custom"

Select Import Data

It will import the file and display “File Imported successfully” at the top of the dialog box

Select Open Now

4. Creating a Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

Here is a link from Microsoft word on how to create mail merges.   https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-mail-merge-for-bulk-email-letters-labels-and-envelopes-f488ed5b-b849-4c11-9cff-932c49474705

  • ** Auction-Tracker LetterWriter Macro List

    For reference, the following chart comprises a complete list of merge macros available for LetterWriter. Macros available for merge depends on criteria selection made before macro selection.

    Macro/Field Definition
    Contact Job Title
    Job position held by constituent
    Personal Email Address
    The primary email address listed for the individual
    Alternate Email Address
    Alternative email listed for a business or individual
    Individual First Name
    Constituent's First Name
    Individual Last Name
    Constituent's Last Name
    Individual Suffix
    Suffix of the individual constituent (Sr., Jr., etc.)
    Individual Title
    Title of the individual constituent (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
    Spouse First Name
    Constituent's Spouse First Name
    Spouse Last Name
    Constituent's Spouse Last Name
    Spouse Suffix
    Constituent's Spouse Name Suffix (Sr., Jr., etc.)
    Spouse Title
    Constituent's Spouse Name Title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
    Two letter state or province abbreviation
    Website URL
    Web address listing for individual or business
    Zip Code
    Zip/Postal code
    Common Fields
    Organization or person is associated with, professionally/personally
    Donor ID
    Unique donor management application identifier
    Referred By
    Individual or business who introduced constituent to organization
    Items Donated
    List of items the constituent donated in sentence form
    Item Catalog Number
    Catalog number assigned to an item offered for bid
    Item Procurement Number
    Pre-event warehousing id number assigned to an item offered for bid
    Item Solicitor
    Individual who secures goods and services for the benefit auction
    Donation Value
    Fair Market Value of item donated
    Sold For
    Final bid or sale amount of the goods and services offered for bid or sold
    Items Solicited
    List of items the constituent solicited in sentence form
    Sponsorships Solicited
    List of sponsorships the constituent solicited in sentence form
    Amount Spent
    Amount the guest spent at the auction
    Bid Number
    Bid number assigned to the guest
    Meal selected by the patron
    Fund-A-Need Amount
    Amount the guest donated to fund-a-need
    RSVP Level
    Name of the reservation level the guest purchased
    RSVP Amount
    Amount the guest paid for their reservation level
    Table Name
    Name of table guest was seated at for the gala event
    Table Number
    Number of the table guest was seated at for the gala event
    Sponsor Date
    Date on which sponsorship was received
    Sponsor Level
    Name of the sponsorship level the sponsor purchased
    Sponsor Amount
    Amount of funds received for event sponsorship
    Name of solicitor who obtained the sponsorship
    Sponsor Preferred Name
    How a sponsor wishes to be addressed publicly
    Committee that the volunteer belonged to working for your auction
    Position that the volunteer held working for your auction
    Resource Lists
    Resource Name
    User-defined resource designation
    In-Kind Donors
    Date of Use
    Date on which the donated item was used
    Donation Value
    Fair Market Value of item donated
    In-Kind Item Name
    List of items the constituent donated in sentence form
    Purchase Amount
    Total amount for non-catalog goods and services sold to a constituent pre-event
    Fund-A-Need Amount
    Total amount contributed to Fund-A-Need by a constituent pre-event
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