Sending Items from Auction Tracker to your site

Once you have entered your items into Auction Tracker you are now ready to transfer them to your site. You will also use this for the transfer of your Fund-a-Need and your Non-Catalog Items. **Click here for instructions on how to Enter items into Auction Tracker if you have not done this step.

If you have not set up the connection between Auction Tracker and Your site click here for instructions:

To Transfer Items:

***Remember Items being transferred must have a catalog number assigned and that number must be only numerical, they can not have letters in them.  Any changes to FMV, starting bids, bid raises, guaranteed bids, descriptions and restrictions made on your MaxGiving site will not be transferred back to your Auction Tracker.  

1.) Upload items from Auction Tracker

First, select which items you want to send to the online auction

Double click on an item to label it as an item that should be sent to the online auction: The higher list is the list of items that have been selected for the online auction. The list lower down on this dialog box is the list of items that are available for you to select. 

**Notice that you must give each item a catalog number and that number must be only numerical, they can not have letters in them, for the item to appear here.

Make any final edits to these numbers:

Once you have successfully selected an item to be sent over, it will appear in the higher list.

3)Send the items over

Select Prepare Upload

Select Upload Items

4) Upload images of your items on the online auction or mobile bidding website, for help with this click here.

There are a few rules when using Auction Tracker with a MaxGiving Site:

  • ALL guest and sponsorship sales must be either within Auction Tracker OR on the MaxGiving site. You can not do both. If you log guests in Auction Tracker that also buy tickets online, this will create duplicates records for that guest when it is sent back to Auction Tracker.
  • IF you choose to do your guests/sponsorship sales in Auction Tracker and you have us transfer the guests over from Auction Tracker WITH bid numbers already assigned, then you can not change those bid numbers once transfer to the MaxGiving site.
  • You may not change the catalog numbers of Auction Items sent from Auction Tracker. They MUST remain the same you can not change them once they have been sent to the online site.

Troubleshooting: If you have completed the transfer and you do not see your items or a few of the items are missing on the site here are a few things that could be the cause:

  1. Catalog number:  Your item must have a unique catalog number in order to transfer to the site.  If  the item does not have a number at all it will not be in the list of available items to transfer, if this is the case simply add a catalog number and you will now see the item in the list.  Also the site will not receive two auction items with the same number, so double check that the item has a unique Number and try to transfer it again.
  2.  The item was not selected:  Make sure the item was selected from the available item list in the "Online Auction Item Selection" step of the transfer.  If it is not on the list refer to #1.
  3. First send not complete:  If you tried to send the items over before and the item is in the "items that have already been sent over" list but the transfer did not complete so you do not see the item on the site, most likely a  force Item resend will fix this.  Simply do the 2nd part of the transfer again but this time click the  "Force Upload All Items" checkbox before starting the transfer.
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