Non-Catalog Items (Auction Tracker)

Non-Catalog items are often referred to as multi  sale items, such as raffle ticket, wine pulls..etc..  Things that will be sold multiple times at a fixed price.

Click on the down arrow next to ‘Auction Items,’ Select ‘Non-Catalog Items,’ then select “Add/Edit/Delete Items’ and a ‘Non-Catalog Item Selection’ box will pop up.

Click the plus sign to add an item and an ‘Add Non-Catalog Item’ box will pop up.

  • ‘Add Non-Catalog Item’ box
    • ‘Item Detail’ tab
      • An example, would be Raffle Tickets.  You can decide what you will charge and if the Fair Market Value will match that price.  You will also want to decide if you will limit the quantity and if so decide what quantity are available for sale. 
      • Another example is centerpieces.  You can assign prices, but the sale price will most likely change. The quantity will be based on your number of tables.  Some events will have a flat place for these and some will have different prices, for example, if the centerpieces were ‘auctioned off to the highest bidder at the table.
  • ‘Warehousing’ tab- this would be information for there the item is stored.
  • ‘Description’ tab- this is where you can type information about your item.
  • ‘Images’ tab- you can store up to 3 pictures of your item.
  • ‘Bidding’ tab- this will track all of the bidders that have purchased the item.

***If you are using Auction Tracker in conduction with a online site, click here for instructions on how to transfer your items to the site.

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