Emailing Invoices and Receipts (Auction Tracker)

The process for emailing guest statements, receipts with a thank you note to donors, sponsors, or guests for RSVPs, invoices for sponsorships or guest RSVPs, are similar.

In this article we show the process for emailing guest statements, because it is the most common. However, in every step where guests are chosen, there's a nearby choice involving sponsors or donors. The steps are almost identical. 

***As time passes and internet browsers continue to upgrade themselves we have found that emailing from Auction Tracker is not supported by many of the new internet browsers.

Emailing guest statements from Auction Tracker

1) Add your logo and your organization's information to Auction Tracker so that they will appear on the guest statements.

2) Make sure that your guests' email addresses have been entered into Auction Tracker.

3) Connect Auction Tracker with MaxGiving's email server, or with your own organization's email server.

4) Write the email you wish to send to your guests. The guest statements will be sent attached to that email as PDFs.

5) Email the guest statements.

1) Add your logo and your organization's information to the guest statements.

Make your guest statements look their best!

  • This link shows how to add your organization's logo to receipts and invoices.
    • If you are using Auction Tracker on MaxGiving's cloud server, you may need to do this step in order to be able to upload your logo.
  • This link shows how to add your organization's address to receipts and invoices.
  • Your guest statements will look best (most formal) if their addresses appear on the statement as well.
    • Using our ticket sales website MyEvent Registration, with Auction Tracker, will give you updated address information for guests and sponsors. 

2) Make sure that your guests' email addresses have been entered into Auction Tracker.

To add an email address, go to Constituents

Open up a person's record.

Enter their email address. 

Select Apply to save.

To pull a report listing all guests' email addresses 

Go to Reporting > Application Reports

Select Names > Guest/Bidders > Email Address Listing 

Note that your guest statements will look best (most formal) if their addresses appear on the statement.

3) Connect Auction Tracker with MaxGiving's email server, or with your own organization's email server.

Email has to be sent through an email server. There are three options:

  • Contact to connect your copy of Auction Tracker with MaxGiving's email server. It is very easy and the connection will take just a minute to complete. 
    • Emails will be sent from, or
  • Ask your IT person for your organization's SMTP email server information, if available.
    • Emails will be sent from your organization's email address.
  • If your organization does not have its own SMTP server, but you do have a website, ask your IT person to contact and set up sending receipts from your organization's email address through MaxGiving's email server.
    • Emails be sent from your organization's email address.

Once you have the email server credentials (username and password), either from your IT person or from MaxGiving, you'll enter them into Auction Tracker.

Go to Utilities > Configure Application > SMTP (Outgoing Email) Credentials

Either your IT person or MaxGiving can provide you the information you'll put into this screen.

4) Write the email you wish to send to your guests.

Select Utilities > Configure Application > User-Defined Default Email Messages

Select Guest Statement (By Bid#) from the drop-down

The "From:" field:

  • If you chose to use MaxGiving's email server (see step 2 and ask us for our email credentials), rather than your own organization's SMTP credentials, then you must enter into the From: field in this screenshot e.g., or
  • If you want to have the receipts come from your organization, you need to ask your IT person for your organization's SMTP credentials, and enter them into Auction Tracker, and use your organization's email address in the From: field. See Step 2 above.


  • Feel free to BCC: an email address at your organization for a record of the receipts that were sent.

5) Email the guest statements.

Select Reporting > Billings/Receipts

Select Guest Statements (Event Checkout) > Reprint Guest Statements

To send all the guest statements, select All Statements

Select Bid Number

Select the Email button to actually send them. 

By choosing Range of Bid Numbers and entering the same bid number twice, you can send a single guest their receipt.

 By choosing Outstanding Balances you can email everyone who has not yet paid.

 By choosing ExpressPay Statements you can email everyone who put a credit card on file and was marked as ExpressPay by Sync 1 (or marked ExpressPay manually).

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