Check-Out (Auction Tracker)

The final step in banking is the checkout of successful bidders. As discussed earlier, Auction-Tracker’s banking module is based on a real-time environment. Everything entered as the event progressed is automatically posted to a guest’s account by bid number and made ready for the immediate receipt of payment. As noted at the beginning of this section, information provided here is limited to discussion of the mechanics of the feature used to acknowledge, accept payment, and receipt a guest. For more information on the Credit Card processing contact the support team at

Checkout By Bid Number

To checkout a guest and close their account for the event attended, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Application Toolbar, click the Banking drop-down menu, then click Payments/Statements (Checkout). Users can also click the Banking icon on the toolbar to access Payments/Statements (Checkout).
  2. Depending on how Auction-Tracker is configured, the staff/volunteer may be prompted to enter their initials for audit purposes. If so, enter initials and press the ENTER key. Otherwise, continue to Step #3.
  3. Auction-Tracker now prompts for a bid number (Figure 8.27). Enter the Bid Number in the field provided and press the ENTER key. A bid number can also be found by name. Click the Name List button located right of the bid number field to select by Name. With the bid number selected, account information and payment status appears in the window. If the successful bidder is participating in ExpressPay, Auction-Tracker provides an on window alert.
  4. An Option Bar with seven buttons is provided at the bottom of the window.

    Refresh - Refreshes the Account Status; Amount Due, Amount Paid, Balance Owed at anytime.

    Bid Review - This displays the list of successful bids, items purchased, and gifts made by the bidder for confirmation.

    Delivery Info. - The notes window allows for the entry of delivery information. This may be printed and attached to the organization's copy of the Guest Statement for later use.

    Payment - Enter the payment amount and payment method being presented by the bidder. Full and partial payments may be applied until the balance is paid in full.

    Print - Use this option to print a Guest Statement (both paid or unpaid). Multiple copies of the Guest Statement may be printed as often as the bidder wishes as all copies are tied to the same unique Statement Number assigned to the bidder to reduce fraud.

    Remove Item - This option removes successful bids, purchases, and financial gifts from a guest statement.

    Close - Closes the payment/statement window.
  5. It is not necessary to close the window to view a new bid number. Type a new Bid Number in the Bid Number field and press the ENTER key.

Best practice for checking out a guest is to first click  Bid Review and review the list with the guest. This allows the guest the opportunity to catch any mistakes on their statement before a payment is applied. If a mistake was made, click Remove Item and adjust their account. When the account is verified as correct, then proceed with receiving a payment.

Removing A Transaction From The Guest Statement         

A guest’s account may need to be adjusted or an item removed due to data entry errors. Follow these steps to remove an item from a guest statement:

  1. From within the Guest Statement Generation and Payments window, and a bid number selected, click Remove Item. A window with a list of successful bids, purchases, and gifts associated with the bid number is presented.
  2. Next, select the item to be deleted and click Delete which is located on the form's button bar at the top of the window. Depending on the item selected, the following occurs:

    If the transaction is a Catalog Item, Auction-Tracker asks if the item is to be sold to another bidder. Click No and the item is removed from the guest's account and total amount due is automatically re-calculated and displayed. Click Yes and sell the item to the next highest bidder. (Be sure to have the appropriate bid sheet available for verification.)

    If the transaction is a Non-Catalog, Wish List or Fund-A-Need Item, Auction-Tracker deletes the transaction with no additional action required. The item is removed from the guest's account and total amount due is automatically re-calculated and displayed.
  3. Repeat the above steps to remove any additional transactions in question. Click Close to complete the remove item process.

Applying A Payment To The Guest's Account

Auction-Tracker provides a comprehensive payment feature that allows guests to make a single or multiple payments towards their event purchases and contributions. Auction-Tracker manages all receivables and also allows for payments to be added after the event. Follow these instructions to apply a payment:

  1. From within the Guest Statement Generation and Payments window, and a bid number selected, click Payment.
  2. Next, in the window provided enter the dollar amount being paid by the guest. Auction-Tracker defaults to the total amount owed, but has the option to enter any amount as needed. After the amount paid has been entered, click Continue to open the verification window. Click Yes to confirm the payment amount. Click No and the payment entry is canceled.
  3. A Payment Method window opens. Select a Payment Method the guest wishes to use. If payment is by check, enter a check number. If payment is by a credit or debit card, enter the last four digits of the card number, authorization code from the processor, and card expiration date in the fields provided.
  4. Click Continue to post payment and return to the Guest Statement Generation and Payments window at which point the guest statement may be printed. If the wrong payment method was selected by accident, access the drop-down menu in the Payment History grid of the window to select a different payment method.
  5. Repeat the above steps to remove any additional transactions in question. Otherwise, click Close to complete the payment posting process.

Removing A Payment From The Guest's Account

At some point it may be necessary to remove a payment from a guest's account. The cause is generally from an item incorrectly posted or the return of an item which leaves an outstanding balance. A posted payment can “removed” by the issuance of a credit. For security purposes payments cannot be physically removed. A negative (credit) payment amount reverses the amount in question.

To issue a credit, follow these steps:

  1. From within the Guest Statement Generation and Payments window, and a bid number selected, click Payment.
  2. Next, in the window provided enter the dollar amount being credited (For example, -$100.00). Auction-Tracker defaults to the total amount owed, but has the option to enter any amount as needed. After the credit amount has been entered, click Continue to open the verification window. Click Yes to confirm the payment amount. Click No and the payment entry is canceled.
  3. A Payment Method window opens. Select the Payment Method used for the amount to be credited. If the credit posted is associated with a check, enter a check number. If the credit posted is associated with a credit or debit card, enter the last four digits of the card number, authorization code from the processor, and card expiration date in the fields provided.
  4. Click Continue to post the credit and return to the Guest Statement Generation and Payments window at which point the guest statement may be printed. If the wrong payment method was selected by accident, access the drop-down menu in the Payment History grid of the window to select a different payment method.
  5. Repeat the above steps to post additional credit transactions as required. Otherwise, click Close to complete the credit posting process.
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