How to know if your Computer has Auction Tracker

**If you know that your computer has Auction Tracker on it, click here for info to move your data to another computer.


Use File Explorer to look in the \Tracker folder. Also, search your C: drive or other drives, for auction.exe, AUCTIONTRACKER.FDB, CONSTITUENT.FDB, and at70_backup*.zip.


Auction Tracker the program:

If Auction Tracker has been installed on a computer, you can find it by using File Explorer to search your computer for auction.exe (typically in C:\Tracker\Auct-Tr\bin\auction.exe).

Auction Tracker's data:

In some cases, a computer will have a backup of Auction Tracker's data on it, but not Auction Tracker the program. In that case, you should use File Explorer to search for at70_backup*.zip in all folders of your computer.

The Auction Tracker data is in two forms -- backups of the data are usually located in the folder C:\Tracker\Auct-Tr\Archive\ and named according to the format at70_backup (date time).zip and the data files used by Auction Tracker itself are usually in the folder C:\Tracker\Auct-Tr\ and named AUCTIONTRACKER.FDB and CONSTITUENT.FDB.

By default, Auction Tracker installs to the C:\Tracker folder. However, a variety of installation locations are possible. Sometimes a server administrator will install the data in one place and the program itself in another place.

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